Are you ready for some good financial love making?
Urban League Young Professionals of Philadelphia presents
Dr. Boyce Watkins
How are things in your financial bedroom? Have you and your partner merged assets successfully or are you dealing with financial infidelity? Are you suspicious of how the person you’re seeing manages money?
What if you could have a full-proof way to know whether you were financially compatible with someone? Or maybe you’re already married. What if you could improve your communication as it relates to finances?
Finances are the number one cause for divorce in America and in this recession just about everyone’s number 1 source for stress and anxiety. But it doesn't have to be!
Join the Urban League of Philadelphia Young Professionals on Thursday, December 10th at 8p.m. as we host Dr. Boyce Watkins for a FREE teleseminar entitled “Financial Love Making.” Dr. Boyce Watkins is a “financial activist” that appears regularly on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News. He has a Ph.D in Finance and has been a finance professor for over a decade. He is author of “Financial Love Making: Merging Assets With Your Partner in Ways That Feel Good.”
In this Teleseminar Dr. Watkins will cover topics including:
Does size really matter? Meaning the size of your mate’s bank account
Getting financially naked with your partner
Dealing with financial infidelity
The art of financial foreplay
Finding a rhythm with your partner for good financial lovemaking
Dr. Watkins has received claim from a wide variety of individuals including scholar Dr. Cornel West, talk show host Wendy Williams, and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson.
The first 100 people to RSVP at www.createyoureconomy.eventbrite.com will receive free access to the Financial Love Making Newsletter (a $19.95 value).
Save yourself time, money, and heart ache by participating in this free teleseminar or your wallet and mate might regret it.
Thursday, December 10th at 8p.m. RSVP at www.createyoureconomy.eventbrite.com and we will send you the dial in information the morning of the call.
Brought to you by the Urban League Young Professionals of Philadelphia, Ascendant Strategy Group (www.ascendantstrategy.net) and UrbanPhilly.com a UCI Group company.